27 APRIL 2024
MALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran
Fiona Clarkson (UK)
FEMALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran + BOB
Freda Morriss Garget (UK)
MALES & FEMALES baby / puppy / junior
Nicolas Jolly-Rodriguez (FRA)
MALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran
Allison Rogers (USA)
FEMALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran + BOB
Margaret Brown (UK)
MALES & FEMALES baby / puppy / junior
Jim Richardson (UK)
Kirsi Nieminen (FIN)
Lena Hägglund (SWE)
28 APRIL 2024
MALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran
Freda Morriss Garget (UK)
FEMALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran + BOB
Fiona Clarkson (UK)
MALES & FEMALES baby / puppy / junior
Jim Richardson (UK)
MALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran
Margaret Brown (UK)
FEMALES intermedia / open / working / champion / veteran + BOB
Allison Rogers (USA)
MALES & FEMALES baby / puppy / junior
Nicolas Jolly-Rodriguez (FRA)
Lena Hägglund (SWE)
Kirsi Nieminen (FIN)
Fiona Clarkson
Drumkilty (UK)
I fell in love with Golden Retrievers at the age of 12 and became the proud owner of my first one at the age of 14. She was my world, and the reason I followed my career path. I have been involved with the breed in one way or another for 48 years come 2024. I held an Irish affix for a short while in the late 70’s but decided to have a fresh start when I moved to the UK, registering Caoimhin first in partnership followed by Drumkilty as my sole affix in 1996.
I was previously unable to keep a large number of dogs due to my demanding job as a Veterinary Nurse working in Animal Welfare, but I have owned or bred 25 holders of Stud Book numbers including three UK Champions, one Irish Champion, a multiple title holder in Denmark, eight CC or RCC winners, and seventeen Junior Warrant holders. I enjoy working my dogs and have taken the Show Gundog Working Certificate with several of them. My Irish Champion also did well in working tests when my children were young and I only worked part-time! We currently share our home with 12 Goldens and a rescue terrier (who starred as Bouton in Outlander Series 2, for those who are fans!)
I ran an all-breed rescue centre in Scotland for the 17 years until I retired at the end of 2019, and that was where I developed my interest in and knowledge of behavioural problems. Luckily we didn’t have to rescue many Goldens!
I started judging in the UK in 1995, awarded CC’s for the first time in 2005, and have since judged in Ireland, Italy, Holland, France, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany and in 2022, the Australian National in Sydney, the highlight of my judging career to date. I am honoured to be judging bitches at Crufts in 2025. I enjoy judging abroad and having the opportunity to get my hands on different dogs. I consider it a privilege, and I am very much looking forward to seeing some lovely dogs in Croatia.
Fiona Clarkson

Freda Morriss - Garget
Garvin (UK)
I have been involved with Golden Retrievers for 45 years, breeding and showing under the affix ‘Garvin’. I started showing In 1979 with a puppy I bought as a pet which turned out to be a very nice example. She was mostly Boltby/Janville breeding. I then bought another bitch puppy, who was Bishopsgarth/Stenbury breeding and bred my first litter in 1983 to Amirene Intrepid.
At my very first show I met a lady who was also at her 1st show and from there a friendship was formed. Her name was Anne Gowling who later became known as Anne Woodcock of the famous ‘Stanroph’ Affix. We shared a common interest in the dogs and showing and were very good friends until her sad death in 2016.
We had a number of dogs in partnership as due to work commitments I couldn’t attend as many shows as I wanted to so I helped her with, showing, breeding and the Kennels.
We campaigned most of her dogs in the UK but in later years she started to show her dogs overseas. I shared the breeding and ownership of a number of Anne’s well known dogs. Aust Ch/ Uk Ch Stanroph Shogun, Aust Ch Stanroph Schoolboy, (I owned his mother Stanroph Shere nectar of Garvin). Stanroph Sailors fantasy and Alibren Mon Cher Alec Stanroph.
In the latter years due to ill health and my full time job I took a break from showing but returned to the ring in 2013 with Sh Ch Haydengold Keepa Secret with Garvin bred by Lesley List and Sh Ch Linirgor Teasel & Tweed to Garvin bred by Lindsey & the late Irene Dunbar.
After losing ‘Keepa’ at a devastating young age I was lucky enough to have collected some frozen semen, which in turn has produced Goldmarker Coming Home to Garvin bred by Trevor & Louise Smith and is currently being campaigned along side his sisters.
I have also bred and owned German Shorthaired Pointers for 27 years.
I have been judging since 1984 and I was passed to award Challenge Certificates in Golden Retrievers in 1996, and I currently judge Other Gundogs, notably HPR’’s Gundog Groups and Best In Show at Open shows.
I have also judged Golden Retrievers many times both in Europe and Australia. One highlight being the Golden Retriever club of Belgium’s centenary show.
I was an active Committee member of the Golden Retriever club for 26 years and retired in 2019.
I also served for three years on The Three counties Championship Show committee and on Hereford & Dist cs committee for 6 years.
I am currently serving on The Midland Golden Retriever club as Vice Chairman.
I am also a Breed mentor for aspiring judges with the RKC mentoring scheme.

Allison Rogers
Devonshire (USA)
My lifelong love of animals and decades as a breeder and judge has brought me to your show. Getting my first Labrador Retriever led me to become an active member, and eventually President, of my local Labrador clubs in both Washington and Oregon State in the USA. From my kennel’s namesake “Devon”, to the present day, I have bred over 42 champions in many countries who have won at both All Breed and Specialty Shows. My kennel has also produced multiple hunting, therapy, and service dogs. Having bred and competed in Labradors for 29 years, I am proud to see Devonshire Labradors in pedigrees worldwide.
Now, as an AKC Licensed Judge, I have had the honor of judging this remarkable breed in Canada, The United States, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, and now Croatia. It is my privilege to judge your beautiful dogs and I thank you for the invitation.

Lena Hägglund
O'Flanagan (SWE)
Further on there were more and more flatcoats and less horses for me. And in September 2022 we celebrated 50 years with flatcoats!
I became an authorized judge 1991 and am now doing all retrievers and a few spaniel breeds I considered judging education to be a natural development of my interest in animals in general and since I was always interested in anatomy and its impact negatively and positively on the movement in animals, this was a way to learn more. I also have a huge interest in health and soundness as well as illness and have during the years been a member of breeding committés in the Swedish Spaniel and Retriever Club as well as in the Breeding Council of our Flatcoated Retriever Club.
My intrest in the dog world has brought me to many countries and continents for judging appointments and this has given me lots of friends all over. I have had the joy to judge our breed in many Specialties all over Europe, but also in the States as well as in Russia. One can see that Swedish flatcoats have made a great impact in the breed in many countries but one can also find lovely, classic types of flatcoats with a non Scandinavian background in their pedigrees.
In my own breeding I love to use male’s pedigrees that are not too ”common”, I love to find interesting blood lines in other countries.
We do not breed alot, but I love to see puppies growing up and continue to follow them after they have moved to their new homes.
From the beginning I did not realize how difficult it would be to combine breeding, competing with my own dogs with judging appointments and I still want to be as active as possible with my own flatcoats.

Kirsi Nieminen
Heilurihannan (FIN)
My name is Kirsi Nieminen. I have judged over 30 years now. The first breed I got cc-rights was Flat-Coated Retriever, and soon after that I got cc-rights for Golden Retrievers, as well. Nowadays I’ll judge all retriever breeds, many spaniels, Lagotto Romagnolos, many hounds, dalmatians and also some terriers.
In our family we have always had dogs. My father, like also my grandfather, were interested in hunting, so we always had Finnish Hounds and Spitzes. At the age of 14 I wanted to have a dog of my own, a Golden Retriever. I followed the shows already at that time and knew exactly where I wanted to get my puppy, but the plans did not succeed so I finally decided for a Flat-Coated Retriever. My first Norfolk Terrier I got in the beginning of 90’s and Cairn Terriers I got 14 years ago.
At the very early age I became involved with club activities. I have been working for Finnish Retriever Club, Finnish Flat-Coated Retriever Club, Finnish Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Club, The Finnish Exterior Judges Club and the show and exterior section of the Finnish Kennel Club, as well as the Finnish Hound Club.
I breed with my father under affix Heilurihännän (wagging tail’s). We have bred more 120 Finnish Champions, 40 International Champions and 2 Field trial Champions. The Finnish Kennel Club has awarded us Vuolasvirta prize for breeding Flat-Coats and Norfolk Terriers successfully.
At the moment I have at home Flat-Coated Retrievers, Norfolk Terriers and Cairn Terriers.
Previously I have judged Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland, England, France, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Czech Republic, Canada and Australia
I’m really looking forward to my judging appointment in Velika Gorica. Will be my first visit in Croatia.

Jim Richardson
Darrochonna (UK)
I started judging dogs in 1981. I have owned Golden Retrievers for 41 years and owned/bred three UK Show
Champions. I am President of the Golden Retriever Club of Scotland for which I am very proud considering
that this wonderful breed was created in Scotland. I am also a Member of the Royal Kennel Club, London.
I am the Golden Retriever Representative on the Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland In the UK I am approved/licensed to award Challenge Certificates in the following breeds: Golden, Flatcoated and Labrador Retrievers, Weimaraners, Irish Setters, Gordon Setters, Irish Red & White Setters, Large
Munsterlanders, Pointers, English Springer Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, GSP’s and Tibetan Spaniels. I
also judge the Gundog Group in the UK.
I have awarded CC’s in Golden Retrievers in the UK on 30 occasions including Crufts in 2009. Have judged
this breed on 129 occasions in 33 different Countries including New Zealand, Australia, Russia, Hong Kong,
Sri Lanka, Malta and most European Countries.
I have judged all breeds and Best in Show at Open Shows throughout the UK for 35 years.

Nicolas Jolly
Castel Du Tremblay (FRA)
I grew up with dogs since my earliest childhood. At 14 years old I had my first labrador and since that day they never left me.
I breed labradors since 2002 under kennel name « Castel du Tremblay ». I bred and owned champions on the 3 colors. I also owned and showed goldens retrievers including championship show winners and group winners.
I became an FCI judge in 2020 and had the pleasure of judging in France (including the French Retriever Club 2021 and the European dog show 2022), Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Denmark and Belgium.
I’m currently commitee member and president of shows commission of the French Retriever Club.
I’m looking forward to judge again in Croatia for the Retriever Week-end held during world dog show 2024.
Many thanks to the Croatian Retriever Club commitee for their trust and invitation.

Margaret Brown
Ramsayville (UK)
My husband and I have owned Labradors since 1973 and have been very fortunate to have some success showing our dogs over the years. Our daughter, Mairi, is also involved, although most of her time is now taken up with our grandson, Lewis.
Our very first “show,” Labrador, was from the Poolstead Kennel of Bob & Didi Hepworth,“ Cassie” was vegetarian; she devoured every vegetable in our garden, only ate well when she was pregnant and enjoyed a house plant or two in her time. She did, however, prove to be a fine brood bitch, and we are indebted to The Hepworths for letting us have her and for their friendship over the years.
We are also indebted to several kennels for allowing us to use their stud dogs over the years. In the process, we have made some irreplaceable friends.
Our primary breed is Labradors, but we have also had success with our Pointers and Beagles making up champions in these breeds.
Our passion has allowed us to judge worldwide and visit many different countries. We are indebted to our dogs for making it all possible.